Familiar Songs - Their Authors & Histories

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Eev. Charles Wolfe wrote the words of the following song. The music is from Mozart, who wrote many pleasing songs.
Wolfgang Mozart is a rare instance of an infant prodigy, whose intellectual powers grew with the boy's growth to manhood. At four years old, he could play the harpsichord correctly, and in that year he made a concerto to be played upon it. A year later, he, with his musical little sister, was the wonder of the Imperial Court. At eight, he played the organ at the English court, and only his compositions were played in public concerts. The facts of his troubled life are familiar. " Idomeneo," the opera which won him the lady he loved, is one of his favorite compositions; but perhaps " Don Giovanni" is considered his greatest dramatic work. When it was being rehearsed in Prague, he said to the chapel-master, who was praising the work: " People err if they think my art has cost me no trouble; I assure you, my dear friend, no one has taken such pains with the study of com­position as I. There is hardly a celebrated master in music whom I have not carefully and, in many cases, several times, studied through!" Mozart was born in Salzburg, Ger­many, January 27, 1756, and died in Vienna, December 5, 1791. The air of " Go! forget me!" like " Days of Absence," is familiar in sacred music.